LAW 7688 Research Seminar: The Law of Software

James Grimmelmann

Cornell Tech

Spring 2025

Important Notice

This course is open to both law and non-law students, and to students on both the Ithaca and Cornell Tech campuses. Law students should enroll online, and non-law students should contact me to enroll.


This is a research seminar on the law of computer software. Specific topics will vary from year to year, but will typically include intellectual property protections for software, constitutional rights to create and run software, embedding legal rules in digital systems, and the regulation of complex artificial intelligence and machine learning systems. The readings will primarily consist of classic and cutting-edge legal scholarship, supplemented with materials on technical background and legal research. Over the course of the semester, participants will research and write a publishable piece of scholarship.

Credits: 3
Meetings: 60 minutes, twice per week, for 13 weeks
Grading: Student option
Satisfies the Writing Requirement: Yes

Course Outcomes

Students who complete this course will be able to:

Who is This Course For?

This course is intended for students who are interested in technology law and want to improve their skills in working with legal scholarship. There are no formal prerequisites, but you should have some familiarity with software, and some familiarity with technology law.

Any of the following is sufficient background in software:

Any of the following is sufficient background in law:

This course is open to students in all graduate degree programs. Undergraduates will be admitted only in exceptional circumstances.


Please see the course policies document for information about meeting with me; inclusion; names, titles and pronouns; the history of the site where the course takes place; academic integrity and collaboration; accessibility and accommodations for disabilities; class recordings; professionalism; and health concerns.



This syllabus is at

Huddle: Bloomberg 370
Desk: Bloomberg 3 NW, near the bookshelves

My office hours are whenever I’m free during the workday. You can sign up for a slot at When I’m on campus, we can meet in person in my huddle; when I’m not, there’s a Zoom link on Canvas. If none of the available times work for you, send me an email or DM me on the Cornell Tech Slack.

It’s also always fine just to swing by to see if I’m free. If I have headphones on, just catch my eye. If my huddle door is open, come on in. If it’s closed, it’s closed for a reason (usually a call or a meeting) – send me an email!

The only required book is a legal citation manual. The nominal standard is The Bluebook, published by a consortium of four law reviews. For law students who intend to practice in the United States, the roughly $50 price tag is a reasonable investment. But for others, you can get by perfectly well with The Indigo Book, a free online reimplementation of the Bluebook’s rules. Introduction to Basic Legal Citation, by Cornell Law’s own beloved former dean Peter Martin, is a highly readable introduction to legal citation that is linked point-by-point to the Indigo Book’s rules.

Most of the remaining required readings will be articles that are accessible online through the Cornell library. A few other readings will be posted to Canvas.

Although it is not required, due primarily to the unreasonably high price, I recommend Eugene Volokh, Academic Legal Writing, a writing manual specifically targeted at law-review substance and style.


Some of our sessions will be devoted to careful discussion of a substantive topic (e.g., whether software as such is patentable). The readings for those session will consist of one or more law-review articles. These will be interspersed with sessions devoted to the research and writing process (e.g., how to read law-review articles efficiently), and then shift into presentations and discussion of your research.

The course will meet in a hybrid format. We will meet in person in a room t/k and by Zoom. If you are in the Cornell Tech section, you should join in person unless you are quarantining or traveling or have another good reason to join remotely and have confirmed with me in advance. I will revisit this policy after a few weeks of class and make any necessary adjustments.

Attendance in class is required. Especially in view of the other significant demands on your time, I will be understanding about conflicts and flexible in working with you to make alternative arrangements as needed. That said, consistent unexcused absences are not okay, and may lead to a reduced grade or exclusion from the course (after reasonable written warning). Please arrive promptly. I promise that we will end on time, but that means we must start on time. Bring the readings with you, either on your computer or in hard copy.


Your work for this class will consist of the following:

First, do the assigned readings and participate in class discussions. I expect all of you to be regular and active participants in the discussions, and to support your classmates in doing so. I understand that everyone has an off day now and then, but this class can only succeed if all of us are fully engaged.

Second, you will write a research paper of at least 10,000 words on a topic of your choosing. I will approve paper proposals on a wide variety of research subjects; the only substantive requirement is that the paper must discuss an issue in which the legal treatment of software depends on the technical details of how that software works.

The paper may conform to the stylistic and scholarly conventions of any relevant academic discipline. For example, law students may write papers in the form of a law-review Note, computer-science students may write papers in the form of an ACM conference paper, and so on. You should choose the discipline and form that will be most professionally useful to you. You are not required to submit your papers for publication, but it is my goal for the course that each of you will complete a paper you are proud enough of to want to submit.

Your deliverables for the paper will be on the following schedule:

I will meet with you regularly to discuss your projects. I am always available to meet to provide feedback and suggestions, even on short notice.


Your grades will be determined as follows:


We will usually meet Mondays and Wednesdays 2:15 to 3:15. Our first session will be on January 22, and our final session will be May 5. We will not meet on:

The following is a the schedule of readings from spring 2023. I will post a finalized schedule for spring 2025 by the start of the semester.

  1. January 22: Introduction

  2. January 27: What Is Legal Scholarship?

  3. January 30: Software Copyright?: Final Report of the Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works (1978); Eben Moglen, Anarchism Triumphant: Free Software and the Death of Copyright, First Monday (Aug. 1999)

  4. February 1: Legal Citation: Peter W. Martin, Introduction to Basic Legal Citation: read the What and Why section and the How to Cite section. The Indigo Book: An Open and Compatible Implementation of A Uniform System of Citation: read the Foreword, Introduction, and Background Rules sections.

  5. February 6: Software Copyright:

  6. February 8: Legal Research: live in-class exercise

  7. February 13: AI and Authorship:

  8. February 15: Initial Discussion of research-paper topics

  9. February 20: Software Patents: Mark A. Lemley, Software Patents and the Return of Functional Claiming, 2013 Wisconsin Law Review 905 (2012); Athul K. Acharya, Abstraction in Software Patents (and How to Fix It), 18 John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law 364 (2019)

  10. February 22: First Amendment:

  11. March 1: AI and Speech: Tim Wu, Machine Speech, 161 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1495 (2013); Toni M. Massaro and Helen Norton, Siri-ously? Free Speech Rights and Artificial Intelligence, 110 Northwestern University Law Review 1169 (2016); James Grimmelmann, Speech In, Speech Out, in Ronald K.L. Collins & David M. Skover, Robotica: Speech Rights and Artificial Intelligence 85 (2018)
  12. March 6: Fifth Amendment

  13. March 8: Layering:

  14. March 13: Protocols

  15. March 15: Workshop on writing a clear abstract and introduction

  16. March 20: Smart Contracts:

  17. March 22: Smart Contracts:
  18. March 27: Software Liability:

  19. March 29: Software Liability

  20. April 10: Software as Law?:

  21. April 12: Reidentification

  22. April 17: The Law-Review Submission Process:

  23. April 19: No class
  24. April 24: Paper Presentations
  25. April 26: Paper Presentations
  26. May 1: Paper Presentations
  27. May 3: Paper Presentations
  28. May 8: Paper Presentations