
James Grimmelmann, with two 'n's at the end

James Grimmelmann

I’m a professor at Cornell Law School and Cornell Tech, where I direct CTRL-ALT, the Cornell Tech Research Lab in Applied Law and Technology.

I study how laws regulating software affect freedom, wealth, and power. I try to help lawyers and technologists understand each other. My research interests include search engines, digital copyright, online governance, content moderation, and other topics in computer and Internet law.

I am working on a book, CPU, Esq.: How Lawyers and Coders Do Things with Words, which explores the linguistic parallels between software and legal texts.

I tweet and blog at The Laboratorium.

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I have written three inexpensive casebooks: Internet Law: Cases and Problems, Patterns of Information Law (IP), and Open Source Property (with four colleagues).

I maintain some lists of IP/tech resources for scholars and students:


Cornell Tech
2 West Loop Road
New York, NY 10044

Here is my disclosure statement.